Minimally Invasive Restorative Dentistry in Leander

Minimally invasive restorative dentistry is a philosophy and a technique that focuses on treating conditions like dental caries with as little change to the tooth’s natural structure as possible.

It aims to arrest caries and preserve as much tooth structure as possible when managing early and moderate caries lesions. The intervention strategy employs detection of early caries lesions, a comprehensive caries risk assessment, clinical decision-making and a personalized care plan.

The success of minimally invasive restoration is highly dependent on the use of high-performance dental materials, which give dental practitioners more control over the process. Adhesives and filling materials need to form a tight seal and should be biocompatible and easy to use for high procedural safety.

Minimal Invasive restorative Goal:

  • To conserve as much sound tooth structure as possible. To remove only minimal amount of tooth structure necessary to restore the tooth to its optimum state.
  • To provide restoration that mimic natural tooth structure as closely as possible. It aims to restore the biomechanical, structural, and esthetic integrity of teeth.